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Womb Room

OmniHum's first show included traditional art as well as a surround sound film entitled The Womb in the gallery's theatre. Steve Racicot's bronze sculpture of the Great Mother blessed the gallery.


Ancient Spirit Sacred Earth

Just in time for Earth Day, Ancient Spirit Sacred Earth, was currated by Juan & Robin Salazar.

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Webs of Synthesis

A complex show of the interconnected webs of nature and our networks.


Matter Patternia

A genre bending exhibition weaving together the patterns and codes that form Life. Taking the audience beyond space and time with Oraphim an immersive audio visual experience through the astral plane.

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Lynn Gitter - Ajanta Caves

Lynn's solo show for the Ajanta Caves and the Compassionate Ones series nearly sold out.


Feminine Mystics

Exhibit featured the works of four Northern New Mexico women visionaries:
Lynn Gitter, Maria Mikhailas, Teresa Gostanza, and Marlene Seven Bremner!

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OmniHum Gallery

246 Ledoux Street, Suite B

Taos, NM

located next to the Harwood Museum on historic Ledoux Street

Gallery  Hours:

Wednesday,    Friday,   Saturday,  Sunday

11am-5pm      11-5pm    11-5pm     11am-5pm

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