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El Rito Artist OmJaya

Subtle Expansions, an exhibit featuring Omjaya will open Jan 6th at the OmniHum Gallery, located next to the Harwood Museum. OmniHum has quickly become a hub for a spiritually minded and progressive thinking audience.

Omjaya aka Maxwellvision spoke with Kritical ear, a local critic referring to himself as anonymous.

 The land of enchantment attracts people on the spiritual path, what lead you here to Taos County.? The wisdom teachers, the medicine givers and the merging of the Indian and Spanish traditions. There is an energy here that is not seen but felt, and it’s both humbling and inspirational.

     Now that you are in your sixty's, you’ve changed your name again. Yes, I have. Growing up is the point of life, isn't it? It's not easy cultivating one’s maturity and rising into higher forms of consciousness. It requires teachings and effort. Omjaya is who I am striving to become, maybe that’s why I came to Taos. 



   The Dance-by Omjaya Maxwell


A mentor said to me, 'who we are now is what we have been, and who we will be is what we do now', this is a great proverb.

   A multi-disciplinary artist, where do you find your influences and inspiration?

     Inspired by cave drawings and sand mandalas, I work with charcoal and pastels on paper, my fingers directly touching, blending and creating bold lines that blend into space. This medium is very sensual and satisfying to me, a method I use to begin and finish a composition in one session.   As an artist I seek inspiration from nature and the cosmic world around us. A simple line, visual or musical can alter the mind, a shape or sound can satisfy desire. Minimal and complete, this work encourages one to remember the sacredness of love, and abstract enough to invoke a dream.

    We are surrounded by so much beauty and potential that is overlooked with the mind of struggle and chaos. It is a constant challenge to be in the state of love, gratitude and compassion. That being known, the work I create is from a spiritual intention and a focused discipline. The ease at which this work flows from thought to creation is a testimony of a universal language, one that is all knowing and rooted in sacred wisdom.

    Omjaya, you were born and came from the water’s edge of California. How has living in Northern New Mexico influenced you?

    I see the same sun and the same moon. People are similar, they are talking of the potential of spirit life or they are hiding behind an illusion that puts them in fear. The land of New Mexico is enchanting, romantic and naturally mysterious. I’ve been told that the desert valley near our home is known as the 'Valley of the Whales'. Yeti's, UFO's, the Pueblo and the indigenous people who show us great wisdom, it’s all here if you seek it. I find that very influential, don't you? Yes, I do.

Omjaya, it has been inspirational to talk with you, Thank you, Kritical Ear                                                         


                                                 Subtle Expansions opens Jan 6th, Reception 1pm

OmniHum is located at 246 Ledoux st, Taos. All Are Welcome

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